Dr. Brotto is not currently accepting new clients. If you would like to be placed on Dr. Brotto’s clinical wait-list, please send an email to Dr. Brotto with your name, and a brief description of your concern. If you are a breast cancer survivor seeking treatment for sexual concerns following cancer, you may qualify for one of our treatment-outcome research studies. See www.brottolab.com/studies for more information.
To follow Dr. Brotto on Twitter: @DrLoriBrotto
To contact Dr. Brotto or to be placed on the wait-list, please email drbrotto@gmail.com or phone (604) 605-6032.
To participate in one of Dr. Brotto’s research trials at the UBC Sexual Health Research, click here.
Dr. Brotto’s private practice is located at the St. Johns Health and Wellness Professional Centre, 2226 St. Johns Street, Port Moody, BC, Canada.